PT. TIMAS SUPLINDO (Konstruksi Tertambangan) Cari Senior Field Engineer,Installation Engineer,E&I Supervisor,Naval Architect,Business Development,Marine Admin

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 08:41 PM PDT

PT. TIMAS SUPLINDO (Timas) is an Engineering and Construction company which has attained ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Certification, for the scope of Detailed Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Testing, Commissioning and Project Management.

PT. TIMAS SUPLINDO established since 1992 with supported professional experts and able resources. Our existence and achievement over the past 20 years has enriched us with the experience, knowledge, and the capability to overcome any challenge, obstacles and barriers in many EPC oil and gas (offshore and onshore) projects.

We are urgently looking for highly qualified, talented, dynamic, productive and independent personnel to fill in the challenging position:

1. Senior Field Engineer
a. 15+ years of experience in oil and gas industry
b. Willing to be located in offshore

2. Installation Engineer
a. 10+ years of experience in oil and gas industry
b. Supporting project for installation engineering
c. Willing to be located in offshore

3. E&I Supervisor
a. 10+ years of experience in oil and gas industry
b. Willing to be located in offshore

4. Naval Architect
a. 5+ years of experience in oil and gas industry
b. Willing to be located in offshore

5. Business Development
a. 7+ years experience in oil and gas industry
b. Bachelor degree from engineering
c. Good analytical thinking
d. English is a must

6. Marine Admin
a. 4+ years of experience in oil and gas industry
b. Able to update status of permits for foreign flag vessel
c. Coordinate with logistic and formalities
d. Define all required permit for foreign flag vessel
e. Able to prepare & update status of permits for 50-60 marine vessel

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified, please submit your application up to 2 weeks with complete curriculum vitae, expected salary, indicating the job position by E-mail, to:

EMAIL  : recruitment.offshore@timas.com

Website  : www.timas.com


Posted: 22 Aug 2013 03:48 PM PDT

Kami salah satu perusahaan manufacture terkemuka di Indonesia yang saat ini sedang mengembangkan sebuah inovasi baru dalam bidang pertanian. Mesin Panen Padi membuat proses memanen padi menjadi jauh lebih mudah dan cepat, serta dapat memberikan banyak keuntungan bagi para petani di masa depan.

Saat ini kami sedang mengembangkan berbagai mesin dengan multifungsi untuk mendukung kemajuan Pertanian di Indonesia sebagai Negara Agraris. Untuk itu kami mengundang para profesional muda yang dinamis, kreatif dan berinisiatif untuk bergabung menjadi salah satu anggota tim terbaik kami dengan posisi :


Tanggung Jawab :
Melaksanakan kebijakan dan rencana produksi
Mengawasi proses produksi dan prosedur kualitas melalui perencanaan pemeliharaan, penentuan

jam operasional dan penyedian bahan serta peralatan
Mengelola pekerja mengatur bahan mentah dan mampu bekerja sesuai target
Membuat laporan produksi
Mengawasi standart produk dan melaksanakan program pengawasan kualitas
Mengawasi dan megevaluasi kinerja pekerja

Kualifikasi :
Pendidikan min D3 Teknik / S-1 Teknik Mesin
Usia maksimal 30  tahun
Mempunyai pengalaman kerja dengan latar belakang produk / pabrik
Jujur,rajin dan bertanggung jawab
Memiliki semangat kerja, disiplin, jujur, menyukai tantangan dan berorientasi pada target
Mampu bekerjasama dalam team work
Penempatan di Gresik

Kirimkan CV lamaran anda ke  :

Jl Raya kedamean no 87-89 Desa Kedamean, Gresik
email : futata.hh@gmail.com


Posted: 22 Aug 2013 03:46 PM PDT

Kami salah satu Perusahaan Produksi Beton Pracetak terbesar di Indonesia dengan Plant di Jabodetabek, Medan dan Surabaya, saat ini menangani beberapa Mega Proyek dan sedang ekspansi penambahan plant baru, membutuhkan beberapa personil berpengalaman dari Universitas terkemuka untuk melengkapi tim kami di :



IPK Min : 2,75
Pendidikan S1/D3 Teknik Sipil
Menguasai MS Office
Menguasai Autocad
Menguasai Bahasa Inggris, Mandarin, Jepang diutamakan
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia

Apakah anda ingin bekerja di :

Lingkungan kerja yang baik dengan remunerasi yang menarik ?

Kirim surat lamaran lengkap anda ke :

HRD PT Jaya Beton Indonesia

Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto KM 8,5, Kadu Jaya, Curug

Tangerang 15810

Email : hrd.jayabeton@gmail.com


Posted: 22 Aug 2013 03:43 PM PDT

TechnicaPC adalah perusahaan IT (Information Technology) dibawah management PT. Technica Asia Digital. TechnicaPC bergerak di bidang distribusi peralatan IT, Hardware Komputer dan Software, serta Distribusi Online E-Commerce melalui website kami : www.technicapc.com, dengan target penjualan ke Retail (Pengguna Rumah), Dealer (Toko/Reseller), Corporate (UKM, Perusahaan, Pabrik, Sekolah, Kursus, Universitas, Pemerintah, Hotel, Rumah Sakit, Mall, dll) dan proyek-proyek IT lainnya di seluruh Indonesia.

Selain itu, TechnicaPC juga dipercaya sebagai DELL Distribution Partner & DELL Authorized Service Provider.


(Surabaya - Jawa Timur)

Bertanggung jawab di bidang penjualan produk IT, Hardware dan Software di lingkup Corporate (UKM, Perusahaan, Pabrik, Sekolah, Kursus, Universitas, Pemerintah, Hotel, Rumah Sakit, Outlet Mall, dll), dan Dealer (Toko/Reseller Komputer), serta bertanggung jawab atas pemenuhan target penjualan.

Fasilitas: Gaji Pokok + Bonus Insentif yang menarik + THR.

Ditempatkan di Surabaya.


Pria / Wanita
Bachelor Degree / S1 dari Universitas ternama.
Fresh Graduates are welcome.
Lancar mengoperasikan komputer, email dan aplikasi Microsoft Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Outlook).
Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi, presentasi dan bernegosiasi yang baik.
Memiliki kemampuan analytical dan problem-solving yang baik.
Berkepribadian baik, jujur, pekerja keras, motivasi tinggi, dapat belajar dengan cepat dan dapat bekerja dengan target.
Lebih diutamakan jika : Mengikuti perkembangan dunia IT, Mengenal Brand dan Hardware Komputer.
Lebih diutamakan jika : Memiliki database Customer Corporate/Perusahaan dan/atau memiliki relationship dengan Vendor / Dealer Komputer di seluruh Indonesia

Kirimkan CV, Surat Lamaran Kerja, Pas Foto Terakhir, Ijasah dan Transkrip, Expected Salary ke:

HRD Department
Jl. Kusuma Bangsa No. 84-B, Surabaya 60272

PT.HBK Cari Creative Director & Project Manager

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 03:41 PM PDT

PT.HABIR BINA KONSULTAN,  Our expertise includes corporate visual communication, art management and business reporting and publications

Creative Director & Project Manager


Lead and project manage creative projects. Assessing and determining the needs of the client to portray the desired message and its appeal to customers or users depending on time constraints and budgetary considerations.
Either alone or directing a creative team, produces concept and design graphics for all forms of printed collaterals including annual reports, company profiles, brochures, etc as well as other materials that may be required by the client.
Making suggestions or decision on materials and equipment to project specifications such as paper stock, graphic content, layout and other visual elements along with production arrangement;
Helping the Managing Director managing and monitoring schedules and progress of projects.
Depending on projects, coordinates and directs the work of other vendors, e.g. photographers, freelances contracted by projects to ensure quality of work and timeline are being met following agreed procedures.
Attend meetings and liaises with clients as required


Minimum S1 Degree in Graphic Design/Visual Communication
Minimum 8-year of professional experience; Pre-press knowledge and branding experience are sought.
Able to take a leading position in creative projects.
Flair in creative strategies and are not afraid of thinking BIG

Gedung Graha Kapital, Lantai 2, Unit 201, Jln. Kemang Raya no. 4
Jakarta Selatan 12730

If you are interested to apply and meet the qualification stated, please Send your CV and portfolio (PDF only please) and your recent photograph to email :

Patuno Resort Wakatobi Cari Asst. Human Resources Manager

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 03:39 PM PDT

Patuno Resort Wakatobi is a luxury private resort in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi is seeking qualified candidates for the following position:

Asst. Human Resources Manager


Male or Female
Age Between 25 – 35 years old
Bachelor degree in Law, Psychology, Human Resources Management or other relevant

Min. 2 Years Working Experience as Human Resources Admin/Supervisor or in similar role
Excellent knowledge in HR strategic & planning, payroll and tax, training and development,

selection and recruitment, employee relation, performance appraisal, develop salary

structure, Jamsostek, personnel administration, employee contract and legal matters
Highly of committed, integrity, and accountability
Communicate and pleasant personality
Computer Skills
Good leadership, interpersonal and communication skill
Loyal, Honest


Competitive Salary
Return Airplane Ticket per year

Those interested may submit their application letter and resume complete with latest photograph and expected salary to: (Attachment Files not more than 2 MB)

Human Resources Department
EMAIL  : hrd@wakatobipatunoresort.com
Website: http://www.wakatobipatunoresort.com/


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